RCS Workshop 3: Introduction to Parallel Computing using MATLAB: Glossary

Key Points

Parallel vs Sequential Computing
  • Processors are no longer getting much faster

  • Parallel computing uses multiple cores in one running program

  • Sequential Batch uses multiple cores for multiple running programs

Limitations of Parallel Speedup
  • Speedup is the ratio of sequential runtime to parallel runtime

  • Linear speedup is p for p processors

  • Amdahl’s Law calculates limit on speedup for partially parallel code

Types of Parallel Workers
  • Threads share memory and reside in a process on the same computer.

  • Processes do not share memory and can reside on the same or different computers.

  • OpenMP is an example of multithreaded programming.

  • MPI is an example of multiprocess programming.

Bottlenecks and overhead
  • Communication to share data slows down parallel programs.

  • Processor hardware caches affects performance.

  • Transferring data between cores and RAM affects performance.

  • Reading and writing files in parallel affects performace.

Writing Parallel Code
  • Identify candidate code sections for parallelization

  • Pay attention to random number generation in parallel

  • The best way to ensure parallel improves performance is to measure

MATLAB: Parallel Programming
  • MATLAB manages a parallel pool of processes.

  • Variables in parallel loops must be independent.

  • MATLAB classifies parallel loop variables to ensure independence.

  • The tic/toc command can time sections of MATLAB code.

MATLAB: Case Studies
  • Monte Carlo simulation is an example that obtain good speedup in parallel.

  • Prefix Sum is an example that cannot be parallelized using parfor.

  • Some code can be parallelized, but speedup may be greatly affected by communication overhead.

MATLAB: Vectorization
  • Vectorized operations apply to an entire matrix or vector.

  • MATLAB automatically runs some vectorized code in parallel.

  • Vectorization can be easier and efficient in some cases.

  • Vectorization may use too much memory for large problems, or not be possible for complex loops.

MATLAB: Best Practices
  • Preallocating variables, moving constants out of loops, compilation, and memory access patterns are other MATLAB performance optimization techniques.
